Thursday, March 13, 2008

Campin' Out

So we've spent a lot of time at home lately since the accident. Here's some of the stuff we've been up to.

Drawing with chalk on the driveway....

Riding the car and scooter...
Okay so Aubrey can't really
"ride" the scooter but she does like to climb on it and pretend she can like her big sis

More drawing ... apparently Aubrey makes a good canvas (Aubrey did it all except for the back which Emma was unwilling to confess at first). I don't think Aubrey can reach all the way back there and color perfectly straight strokes...

Making a cake for a friends birthday...Aubrey's 1st experience licking a beater. She did not want to give it up so once she licked it shiny and spotless I had her put it in the dishwasher for me so that she felt like she was helping me

And lots of clowning around.....

1 comment:

Bree said...

Another great post :-) This time I was laughing out loud! The colored-on baby picture was too funny!! I'm still laughing!! And that one of Aubrey licking the beater is soooo cute! Your girls are adorable and the pictures really capture daily moments (my favorite kind of pictures!)